2025 Ministry Plan
Forward together
A letter from the pastor
Pressing on in faith and mission
Dear Axis Church Family,
What a remarkable year we’ve had together! As we celebrated 15 years of God’s faithfulness, finally paid off our original mortgage, and began preparing for a new season of ministry together—one truth stood firm: Christ Jesus has made us His own, and He continues to abide, leading us forward.
Our theme for the coming year, “Forward Together,” is anchored in Philippians 3:12-16. In this passage, Paul reminds us that while we have not yet reached perfection, we press on toward the goal. Our ultimate prize is the upward call of God in Christ Jesus—a call that demands our focus, our faithfulness in fighting the drift, and our unwavering commitment to the gospel.
As a church family, we stand at the threshold of significant change. Selling our building and preparing for relocation in 2025 involves more than logistical adjustments; it challenges us to keep our eyes fixed on the mission God has given us. Please know that transitions like these can feel disorienting, even overwhelming, but we must not let the weight of these changes cause us to lose sight of the greater calling we share. Instead, we press on, together, with a renewed determination to make Jesus Christ famous in Nashville and beyond.
Our mission—to make it hard to get to Hell from Nashville—remains the heartbeat of our church. It’s a mission that calls each of us to live boldly for the gospel, to love our neighbors with Christlike compassion, and to proclaim the good news of salvation with urgency and joy. The world around us is desperate for hope, and we are so privileged to carry the message that can transform all hearts and lives.
As your pastor, I want to encourage you: lean in with us. In times of transition, it’s easy to become passive observers, waiting to see how things will unfold. But God has not called us to spectate; He has called us to participate. This is a moment for all of us to pray more fervently, serve more sacrificially, and give more generously than ever before. It’s a time to strengthen the bonds of community, to encourage one another in the faith, and to labor side by side for the glory of God.
Together, let’s forget what lies behind—not because our past is unimportant, but because our future in Christ is far greater. Let’s strain forward to what lies ahead, holding true to the gospel and walking in faithfulness and obedience. God has been faithful to us for 15 years, and He will continue to be faithful as we trust Him for this next chapter together.
As we move forward together, let’s remember this: our ultimate goal is not a new building, but a renewed commitment to the mission God has given us. The work ahead may stretch us, but it will also strengthen us as we rely on His grace and energy that He so powerfully works within us. Together, we will press on toward the goal, confident that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.
With love and gratitude,
Pastor Jeremy
Year in Review
As Pastor Jeremy referenced in his letter, we have seen the Gospel bear amazing fruit this year at the Axis. Spiritual roots among us have grown and deepened. Our community has been impacted. Our church is healthy. These were undergirded by prayer and service and humility, and that is pretty amazing!
In January, we launched the Rooted Ministry Plan, hosted PAC Week (Partnership of Associated Churches*), kicked off season 8 of the Pastoral Leadership Collective, and had a blast at Nerf & Nacho night at Morgan Park.
In February, we welcomed newcomers into the Axis Ministry Partner process, had training with our Axis Community leaders, and enjoyed going to Winter Jam with our Family Ministries team.
In March, our ladies had an incredible time on a retreat at Center Hill, our young adults gathered for Hoops & Hangs, we sang our hearts out and enjoyed fellowship with Hallelujah Sunday**, we prepared our hearts during holy week services, and then rejoiced as over 600 of us celebrated baptisms together on Easter Sunday!
In April, we were encouraged and equipped during the Raising Boys and Girls event, welcomed new Axis Ministry Partners, and invested in our moms through Soul Care.
In May, we celebrated our moms , dedicated our babies, and recognized our graduating seniors.
In June & July, we celebrated our dads, dedicated more babies, had a blast at the Father’s Day pool party (even though it rained!) commissioned our team going on mission to Cuba, our students enjoyed a summer camping trip, and we spent the Summer in the Psalms.
In August, our ladies did a book study together, we got a mid-year update on our Rooted Ministry Plan, and we encouraged our collegiants with swag and lunch as the fall semester began.
In September, we celebrated our Axis Kids volunteers, more Nerf & Nacho pandemonium, our single guys gathered for breakfast with Pastor Jeremy, and our Axis Anything*** podcast launched with a live recording.
In November, our guys enjoyed a fire pit fellowship, we came together to decorate for Advent, and were grateful for God’s provision over the Thanksgiving holiday.
In December, our ladies swapped mugs, we were exhorted in Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love during Advent, gathered for Christmas Eve candlelight services, and prepared for a new year together as God’s people in His word.
Additionally all through the year…
We gathered and heard the gospel proclaimed in John and served and received communion together at the warehouse every week for worship,
We met in homes and coffee shops across Nashville and surrounding areas in AC/DC’s,
We took mental and emotional and relational health seriously through our partnership with Lantern Lane Farm,
We hosted local pastors at our monthly Third Thursday luncheon,
We read our Bibles using the Axis Reading Plan, and
We prayed for each other, met each other’s needs, and served those in need.
Forward Together Priorities
As Pastor Jeremy mentioned in his letter, this next season together will require patience and faith. Together we are trusting in God’s favor and supply as we seek to discern His plan for our church. This will require us to grow in dependence and humility as the path and process is directed by Him and we respond in obedience to His will for us collectively and individually.
As we take steps Forward Together we must resolve to increase our devotion to Christ in prayer, scripture reading, generosity, serving, and commitment to community. The Church exists regardless of the physical location. Throughout 2025 we will focus on these priorities together, while continuing to gather weekly, invest in our children and parents, shape our youth, participate in discipleship events and ministries, commit to Axis Communities, and intentionally seek to disciple others in the Gospel. All of these will continue and expand throughout the year.
Your investments in the mission of the church supports the conditions needed for each of us to move Forward Together in dependence and faithfulness.
Budgeting Forward
Gatherings: $324,114
Discipleship: $326,614
Mission: 356,270
Ministry: 350,313
As a church, we always want to be prepared for what God has for us next. We also want to be good stewards of the resources that we've been entrusted with. This year we have set a total financial goal that exceeds our operational ministry needs. By giving ourselves this margin, the expanded ministry budget allows us to maintain a healthy and appropriate savings balance, respond to unexpected needs or opportunities, and position ourselves for a future relocation, as the Lord wills.
Gatherings- $324,114
The Church gathered is our special privilege and responsibility. We receive Gospel encouragement from these moments every week, participate in communion together, and offer our own worship as a community. This year let’s purpose to take a step forward TOGETHER by committing to attend and serve with greater frequency and energy.
The resources allocated for Gatherings are used for weekly services, Deacon ministries, IT & computers, A/V, environmental theming, artwork, design, special events, streaming services, and Elder development.
Additionally, this category includes an equal allocation of facility costs, security & parking, maintenance & equipment, and personnel expenses.
Discipleship- $326,614
The call to follow Christ involves the sanctifying activity of the Holy Spirit and faithful application of the Gospel through on-going and intentional repentance and obedience. The process of transformation also happens in the context of community as we experience the “one-anothers” of scripture in smaller groups of accountability and service.
The resources allocated for Discipleship are used for Axis Communities and Discipleship Cohorts, group curriculum, retreat costs, Axis kids and youth, various ministries, subsidizing mental health counseling for Axis Ministry Partners (AMP), staff development, the AMP on-boarding process, internal and external benevolence, pastoral care, Third Thursdays, and more.
Additionally, this category includes an equal allocation of facility costs, security & parking, maintenance & equipment, and personnel expenses.
Missions- $356,270
The command of our Lord to be His witnesses in this world is empowered by the Holy Spirit and involves our intentionality. As we are faithful to pray, support and go ourselves - in our communities, across the nation, and around the world - the gospel expands within us and extends through us. Let’s resolve to take a step this year in advancing the gospel Forward Together.
The resources allocated for Mission are used for planting churches, supporting local and global partners like the Partnership of Associated Churches (PAC), the Acts29 church-planting network, Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center, Project Connect, FCA, local refugee outreach, individual missionaries, partnership with international partners, and providing scholarships for AMPs going on short-term mission trips.
Additionally, this category includes an equal allocation of facility costs, security & parking, maintenance & equipment, and personnel expenses.
ministry- $350,313
Faithfully stewarding time, talent, and treasure takes all of us. The allocation and administration of resources to care for, admonish, and strengthen each other is a humble responsibility that provides for the advancement of the Gospel and acceleration of ministry. Keeping it simple, staying flexible, and doing things with excellence are guiding values, balanced by the realities of being an organization in Nashville. We are committed to do whatever it takes to make it hard to go to hell from middle Tennessee.
The resources allocated for Ministry Support are used for accounting services and software, communications & printing, employee insurance, taxes, licenses, general administration and more.
Additionally, this category includes an equal allocation of facility costs, security & parking, maintenance & equipment, and personnel expenses.
As we consider what God has done at the Axis Church over the last 15 years, it is clear that He is in control and we can trust Him to provide. As we step into the next chapter of our story, our response should be to live generously by faith, rather than shrinking back in fear or retreat in self-security.
Moving Forward Together this year, let’s each resolve to take a step of faith, generosity, and humility for the advancement of God’s work in this place! May we seek the Lord in new ways and with greater urgency by leaning into Christ-likeness. Our theme verses this year in Philippians 3:12-16 admonish us to strain forward to what lies ahead, pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Perhaps God is prompting you to consider expanding in faithfulness
Will you commit to pray more, read the bible together, and grow in faith?
Will you consider going, supporting, or praying as we go on mission?
Will you lead the way forward by serving in new or expanded ways?
Will you begin, make recurring, or expand your financial giving?