What are Sundays like at The Axis?
Throughout the week, we find ourselves tossed about in sin and brokenness, forgetting about God. We forget who we are in Christ. We forget that we are designed for union and communion with our Maker. This forgetfulness allows us to worship lesser things—people, money, possessions, prestige. The Call to Worship is a time of refocusing, reminding us of who we are in Christ. Each week, we remind ourselves “I am an adopted child of God. In Christ, I am His holy temple, His servant, His worshiper, His friend, His Bride, His love. In Him, I am alive!”
In Scripture, we are commanded to sing. At the Axis, we desire for the people of God to sing praises loudly! We intentionally place responsive songs at the end of our service. As the Holy Spirit brings understanding and prompts change through the preached word, it causes our hearts to respond to this good news. You can find the songs we sing at our gatherings on our Spotify playlist “The Axis Church Music”.
During corporate confession, we solemnly confess as one body that we have sinned against God by failing to do the things that we should have done (sins of omission) and by doing the things that we should not have done (sins of commission). We collectively turn to God and ask for His forgiveness. Then, through the assurance of pardon, we joyfully remember God’s faithfulness to forgive us through the gracious work of Jesus.
The is an intentional prayer in which we ask God to open our hearts and minds ready to receive God’s written word.
We encourage you to continue to worship as you listen and receive God’s word through the preaching of the scriptures. We long to be a people formed and shaped by God’s word. Each week, we livestream our services on YouTube or through The Axis Church app! All of our sermons are available for download at our website and on Apple Podcasts.
Before Jesus died, He commanded His followers to remember Him through a meal of bread and wine. The bread represents the body of Jesus, broken in our place, on the cross. The wine/juice represents the blood of Jesus that was spilled because of God’s great love for us. Christ’s blood cleanses us from every sin and is the only way to restore our broken relationship with God.
This meal is for Christ-followers to come together to celebrate, proclaim, and be nourished by the love of God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our savior. To participate in this meal, simply take a piece of bread from the plate and dip it into the wine or juice and partake in the Lord’s Supper.
Giving is an opportunity to worship by declaring that our hope is not in what we own. We can hold our money loosely because we believe God is sovereign and reigning over all. Giving a portion of the resources God has given to us back to God is an act of obedience, faith, and joy that runs throughout the Old and New Testaments. To give, text “GIVE” to (833) 892-4330 or scan the QR code to the right!
The benediction is the closing of our gathering as we send you out as ambassadors of reconciliation on mission for Gospel-change in our city. If you are comfortable, we ask that you extend your hands to receive the morning’s benediction as an outward sign of an internal heart posture.